All online videos available in Qalbox can be streamed by both adults and children. In the first release of Qalbox, kids' profile creation and parental control functions will not be available. However, we have maturity ratings for Qalbox and it is available for each video content.
You can enjoy thousands of shows, movies & documentaries on Qalbox.
From historical dramas, and positive documentaries, to thoughtful movies. Qalbox is the home of Muslim-focused television. The content provided celebrates the rich heritage of Muslim art, culture, science, people and places. It also celebrates Muslim identities and cultures and strives to offer a wide-ranging library of content that put Muslims at the forefront - from documentaries to television series and films. Enjoy all your favoUrite programs at any time of the day or night with Qalbox!
Where can I find the maturity ratings for Qalbox videos?
1. Click on the video of your choice
2. You will be able to see the video ratings here, before playing the video.
Who sets the maturity ratings for Qalbox?
The maturity ratings for Qalbox are set by our in-house Content Moderation Team. All content assets in Qalbox will go through moderation/compliance and will be rated in accordance with Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority(IMDA) guidelines and the ratings will be available for every show.
What are the Maturity Ratings for Qalbox?
We have a total of 6 maturity ratings for Qalbox, as follows:
G |
General - Suitable for persons of all ages |
PG |
Parental Guidance - Suitable for persons of all ages but parental guidance is recommended for younger viewers |
PG13 |
Parental Guidance for Children below 13 - Suitable for persons aged 13 and above but parental guidance is advised for children below 13 |
NC16 |
No Children below 16 years if age - Restricted to persons aged 16 and above |
M18 |
Mature 18 - Restricted to persons aged 18 and above |
R21 |
Restricted 21 - Restricted to persons aged 21 and above |
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