What is the difference between qurban and sedekah?
Qurban is an act of worship performed in the month of Zulhijjah by those who can afford it, and they must follow the specific rulings. It is also sunnah to observe the code of conduct for qurban, such as not shaving or plucking any hair and not cutting fingernails. Each qurban is performed for one unit per person. For example, one goat equals one name. In contrast, sedekah can be given at any time and does not have specific rulings. It is considered sedekah if one unit is dedicated to more than one name. For example, one goat can be dedicated to two or more names.
When should the sacrifice be done?
The sacrifice must be performed on the days of Tashriq: the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th of Zulhijjah. You can order your sacrifice before this period, but it must be carried out on the correct day.
If I perform the sacrifice, is it compulsory for me to take a part of the meat?
It is Sunnah for the person who performs the Qurban to eat some of the meat, but it is haram to consume all of it. It is obligatory to distribute a portion of the sacrificed meat, even if it is a small portion. One can donate all of the meat from the sacrifice, but it is more encouraged for him/her to consume some of it to obtain barakah from the sacrifice. Following that, it is encouraged that one-third of the sacrificed meat be eaten by the person who performs the Qurban, and the remaining two-thirds be donated. Furthermore, it is encouraged that one-third be eaten or served as a feast, one-third be donated to the poor (even if it is only to one person), and the remaining one-third be given to relatives and neighbours. Allah knows best.
What is the ruling on doing a sacrifice for the deceased? Can this be done? Example, doing the sacrifice for the Prophet.
If the deceased left a will requesting qurban to be performed on their behalf, it should be carried out as part of the will. If no such will was made, then the qurban is considered a gift of rewards for the deceased, given by the purchaser of the animal. Wallahu a’lam.
Can one represent another to perform sacrifice for his/her counterpart?
The ruling for slaughtering the sacrificial animal is Sunnah, to be performed by the person who intends to make the sacrifice. However, those unable to carry it out themselves are encouraged to delegate the task of slaughtering their qurban animal to others on their behalf. It is our responsibility to carry out this act to the best of our abilities and to distribute its meat to those in need.
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