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Quran Learn - Guided Onboarding

Quran Learn aims to assist you in comprehending the structure of Quranic lessons.

You'll receive push notifications for essential sura lessons in both Android and iOS devices. 



When you tap on Push Notification, two scenarios will occur:

1. If you haven't signed up or logged in yet, you'll be directed to the sign-up or login page.

2. If you're already logged in, simply tap the [Let's start] button to proceed.

There are two way you can access Quran Learn feature:

Access from Today page

1. Go to the Quran page from the home page

2. You only need to click learn, and a few surahs will appear in the lessons pane.

Access from All Features page

1. From Today page, tap on the [More] option.


2. You will see the Learn feature under the [Deen] section. 


Once you access this feature, you'll find lesson cards for each sura:

1. Lesson Introduction: Provides a brief overview of the sura.


2. Lesson Verse: Displays each aya with transliteration for easy reading and memorization.


3. Lesson Translation: Helps you understand the meaning of the sura.

Upon completing your studies, assess your understanding through quizzes available in the Lesson Review section. For instance, you might encounter questions where you need to select the correct translation of an aya.

Once you complete the quiz, review your progress in the Lesson Outro and tap Done to complete. 

You can also explore other suras to access this Lesson feature.

Should you require any further assistance, please contact us at 

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