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Online Support for the Muslim Pro mobile app

The direction indicated by the Qibla compass is wrong

Qibla on Muslim Pro app. 



How to access Qibla on Muslim Pro app:


1. From Today's page, tap the Qibla icon 


1. From Today's page, tap the More icon 

2. Select the Qibla under More Features



The Qibla compass needs to obtain your location in order to calculate the direction to the Kaaba (in Makkah). Location services use the network connection and or the GPS receiver of your device. Please make sure to:

  • Enable location services for the Muslim Pro app from the main settings of your device (under the 'privacy' menu if your are using iOS 6).
  • Be connected to a data network (through wifi or mobile data) or be standing outside in order to obtain a clearer GPS fix.
  • Keep the device flat on a table or on the floor while using the compass. 

Still compass:

  • If your compass is not moving and if both the blue Qibla hand and the red North 'N' indicator are pointing up, it usually means that the phone has not been able to detect your location. Please follow the 'Geo-location' instructions mentioned above.

Wrong direction:

  • If you feel that the device is indicating the correct direction in degrees but point to the wrong direction, please make sure to stay away from metallic and magnetic interferences (such as electronic devices, vehicles, metallic cases or magnetic closures, etc). You may also try to 're-calibrate' the device by moving it 5 or 6 times in large 8-figures loops in front of you.
  • If you believe that the device is indicating the wrong direction in degrees, please note that the direction to the Kaaba is not a straight line on a flat map but a rounded path around our 'spheric' earth. For example, although Makkah is located South-East of New York (USA) when you look on a map, it is normal that your Qibla points towards the North-East if you are in NY. You may read more about this topic here.

Qibla on Android devices

Smartphone with no compass

In order to save cost, some Android smartphones do not include a compass. If you Android phone does not have a compass, the Qibla compass can't work properly.

Some of the most popular Android smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy J5 do not have a compass


The Qibla compass needs to obtain your location in order to calculate the direction to the Kaaba (in Makkah). Location services use the network connection and or the GPS receiver of your device. Please make sure to:

  • Enable location services from the settings of your Android device
  • Be connected to a data network (through wifi or mobile data) OR be standing outside in order to obtain a GPS fix.
  • Keep the device flat on a table or on the floor while using the compass.

You can tap on the upper right round target icon to force the application to detect your current location again. When the device is trying to locate you, you may also tap on the back button of your device in order to cancel and/or try again.


If you are getting an infinite loop (8-figure) image with instructions to re-calibrate your device, please try the following:

  • Move the device in a large (shoulder width) 8-figure gesture. You may need to repeat this 5 or 6 times for the interferences / re-calibrations screen to disappear and for the compass to function properly.
  • Alternatively, you may try to rotate the device 5 or 6 times around its 3 main axis.

Still compass:

  • If your compass is not moving and if both the blue Qibla hand and the red North 'N' indicator are pointing up, it usually means that the phone has not been able to detect your location. You may try to tap on the upper right round target icon and follow the 'Geo-location' instructions mentioned above
  • If your compass is indicating the correct direction in degrees but if it is not moving when rotating the device (and the North 'N' indicator constantly points up), your device might not support digital compass features. You may need to use the North indicator or the 'sun' icon in order to align the device manually.

Wrong direction:

  • If you feel that the device is indicating the correct direction in degrees but point to the wrong direction, please make sure to stay away from metallic and magnetic interferences (such as electronic devices, vehicles, metallic cases or magnetic closures, etc). You may also try to 're-calibrate' the device by moving it 5 or 6 times in large 8-figures loops in front of you.
  • If you believe that the device is indicating the wrong direction in degrees, please note that the direction to the Kaaba is not a straight line on a flat map but a rounded path around our “spheric” earth. For example, although Makkah is located South-East of New York (USA) when you look on a map, it is normal that your Qibla points towards the North-East if you are in NY. You may read more about this topic here.

Should you require any assistance, kindly send us an email at  and we will be glad to assist you.

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