Muslim Pro & Qalbox - Help Center

Online Support for the Muslim Pro mobile app

How do I redeem my Muslim Pro coupon?

If you've received a promotion coupon from the Muslim Pro team and are having troubles redeeming it, read this article to know the step by step guide.


1. Go to the Qalbox page on web browser 



2. Select the plan according to the promotion code that you received (monthly or annual)


3. After selecting the plan, fill up your login details on the right


Choose your preferred method to sign up to Qalbox (Gmail or Apple login information)

Once done, click the [Continue to payment] button to proceed


4. Then,  you will be directed to the following page. Insert your promotion code here



5. followed by payment details on the right side and click on the [Start trial] button to start your free trial



Should you require any assistance, kindly send us an email at and we will be happy to assist you.

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